This page last changed on Oct 06, 2005 by scytacki.

Installation of TortoiseCVS and Initial Local Repository Setup

These are some steps to get you started:

  1. Contact someone from the CC's Web Development team for the information required to connect to CC's CVS repository. They will provide the information required below.
  2. Go to, download the TortoiseCVS-1.8.9.exe file (or the latest stable version), and install it on you computer.
  3. Once you have done that(might need to restart), open Windows Explorer.
  4. Create a new folder someplace for your work. If you right click on the folder in Win Explorer, you will see a 'CVS Checkout...' menu item. Click that menu item.
  5. A dialog box will appear. Follow these steps (the bold items will be provided by the Web team):
    1. In the Protocol selection box, make sure Password server ( :pserver: ) is selected
    2. In the Server selection box, type in
    3. Leave the Port selection box blank
    4. In the Repository folder selection box, type /path/to/repository
    5. In the User name selection box, type username:password
    6. In the Module selection box, type modulename

The entries should appear as below.

The folder will be checked out when you click ok and you can work on the files.

Typical workflow (the menu commands are accessed by right clicking in the local CVS folders)

  1. When you start work, right click in the folder and click 'CVS update' to get any changed files from the server since your last session.
  2. Modify your files.
  3. Delete any temp files that may have been created by editors.
  4. After you have modified a file, right click and select 'CVS commit' to put the modified file on the CVS server. Always put a comment in the comment field for historical records and your teammates benefit.

More Info: TortoiseCVS FAQ's

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Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:57